The biggest problem with an ever-changing regulatory environment, and how you can fix it
Topics: Technology, Regulation, Data, Capital Markets, Risk
CSDR is another opportunity to review existing efficiency
The efficiency of post-trade processing is often a hotly discussed topic amongst the European broker community, and the next wave of EU regulation, in the form of CSDR, adds yet another challenge to the mix. CSDR, and specifically, for the purposes of…
Four best practices to keep the Nordic back office fit
Your middle- and back-office systems are the spine of your operation: if they’re unhealthy or misaligned, the whole business suffers. But when building a strategy to differentiate your service for your customers, it’s easy to focus most of your attention…
Topics: Scalable, Automation, Flexible, Nordics, Legacy, Regulation, Data
3 Myths That Harm Banks’ Service to Clients in APAC
In Asia Pacific (APAC) more than any other region, service quality will determine the depth and longevity of relationships between banks and clients in the near term. Sell-side firms in APAC are still building regional brands and expanding their product…
Topics: APAC, Modular, Flexible, Legacy, Regulation, Cross-Asset, Data