APIs and low-code/no-code enabled systems can help banks to leapfrog into real-time post-trade processing.
Outpacing: How sell-side firms can match the speed of change in capital markets
Topics: Torstone Technology, Technology, Cross-Asset, FinTech, Capital Markets, Digital Asset, post-trade, Middle-Office Solutions, sell-side, real-time post trade
Speed, certainty and savings will all be better realised if middle- and back-offices are set up to support digital assets.
Topics: Torstone Technology, Technology, DevOps, Cross-Asset, FinTech, Digital Asset, post-trade, Middle-Office Solutions, Middle Office Automation, back-office solutions, back-office automation
Real-time, event-driven processing technology has underpinned the front-office for many years, indeed decades, but many other parts of capital markets including risk management, continues to rely on batch-driven processing.
Topics: Torstone Technology, Technology, Risk, post-trade
Topics: Torstone Technology, Technology, Innovation, RegTech, FinTech, Capital Markets
ETFs are riding high – but what are the hidden risks?
Topics: Technology, Data, FinTech, Digital Asset, ETF
Improvements to the securities and derivatives Industry that can reduce your cost of ownership
Topics: Technology, Data, Risk, Risk Aggregation
The nascent cryptocurrency and digital asset markets will test legacy back-office architectures to destruction.
Topics: Technology, Cross-Asset, Cryptocurrency, Digital Asset
The biggest problem with an ever-changing regulatory environment, and how you can fix it
Adopting a componentised architecture lets a bank move with the rules, and ahead of client appetite.
Topics: Technology, Regulation, Data, Capital Markets, Risk
Through the 1970s, fixing the car was a regular weekend preoccupation for many, but fast forward to 2019, and the only people working on their cars at the weekend are classic car enthusiasts. The same cannot be said for bank technologists, many of whom…
Topics: Technology, DevOps, Cloud, Agile, Legacy